Krisol Waldorf-Steiner School
Krisol was born in 2004 as a result of a group of families that decided to come together as an association, with the common objective of creating a respectful space where children can naturally evolve enabling them to build a solid base in their relationship with themselves and the rest of the world.
The association began in a tennis school in Premià de Dalt where a space was granted to the four families that started the project. After the initial stage, an old farming house which belonged to a big farming property (Can Botey) was rented and renovated for ten years under a playgroup license. Year after year new changes where introduced harmonizing the school in its natural surroundings and strengthening the childrens wellbeing.
Nowadays we find ourselves in another property (Vila Matilde), also in Premià de Dalt, where due to its characteristics we have been able to obtain the necessary official acreditation to operate as an approved primary school from the Educational Department of the Generalitat de Catalunya. As we speak, the nursery school space works as adaytime care group and is in the process of getting its official appproval as an infant school.
Krisol is a non-profit association composed of families and teachers.
Krisol’s mission is to develop and consolidate the Waldorf pedagogy in a natural environment, based on an anthroposophic axis from where all activities revolve, complying at all times with the laws of association and complying with the educational legislation.
Krisol’s core values is to respect the natural development of the children through Waldorf’s educational method building a solid base in their relationship with thenselves and the rest of the world.
It is Krisol’s vision to offer learning and growing experiences to families and teachers that allow to forge new social relationships that flourish and last over time thanks to the project’s custody. Krisol mirrors a community of people and the community mirrors each and everyone of its individuals.
The close cooperation between families and teachers is essential at Krisol’s Waldorf Steiner School. This reciprocal collaboration is not only necessary but it is also key for the children’s benefit.
The implication of the families happens at all levels. Some of the parents will become active members of the school board, others will join other working groups that are needed in other areas, such as financial management, social services, maintenance, construction, etc.
Krisol does not receive any public fundings, hence its economic sustainability relies solely on the commitment of the families to fulfill the school fees. Thanks to the engagement of the families some of the school’s key areas necessary to its own operation are at a zero cost, enabling the school fees to be reduced. Krisol receives extra income as a result of partnership work and donations, all of which are fundamental in keeping the project alive.
Krisol’s organisational management depends on the association and each and every one of its members.
Krisol is a living being, and its health is taken care by all of its members ensuing compliance with the current law on associations, through meetings and assemblies known as Krisol Create and Decide (KCD), where the school board’s proposals are presented and assessed and become live projects once the members engage at different levels.
The school often offers different adult oriented courses such as educational accompaniment of their children, art groups, introduction to education courses, study groups and even part-time teachers’ training.
Teaching Body: it is in charge of all educational and pedagogical subjects of the school, working towards the planning and development of this area in the project. It is composed by the teachers with the positions of the principal and the head teacher also being filled. The teaching body is additionally attended by the president of the association and the secretary.
Body of directors and Executive Team: the board is composed evenly by parents and teachers. It relies on the presence of those that occupy the roles of presidency, treasury, vicepresidency, secretary and vocals of the association. The board is where some decisions are taken in order to assure the correct operation of the school, coordinating the executive team. The executive team is composed by the heads of the different working groups, the nature of which is to ensure a cross sectional system that is agile, counting on the help of the parents. This engagement on behalf of the parents is of paramount importance as a core value in the Waldorf school. Although this help is voluntary, it is classified and quantified and there is a guide for the families to be able to participate.
School Calendar: at the start of the course the families are given and updated school calendar. Which is in accordance with the Educational Department of Generalitat de Catalunya. Details are also given as of the calendar of the different activities which are characteristic to the Waldorf schools.
Infant playgroup opening hours: from 9 to 9.15h in the morning until 13 to 13.15h in the afternoon.
“Bona Tarda” Infant playgroup*: from 13.15 to 14h to accompany children during lunch and whoever needs a further extension can stay until 16h.
Primary School Opening hours: from 8.30 in the main hall. The children in 1st and 2nd grade finish at 13.30. From 3rd grade classes finish at 14.15.
“Bona Tarda” Primary school*: Lunch accompaniment is until 15 and whoever needs an extension can stay until 16.30.
* The school does not have lunch service. This is provided individually by each family following the health and safety regulations of the school.
RESERVATION FEE: 200€ (1 time only per child)
ENROLLMENT FEE: 550€ (1 time only per family)
11 MONTHLY FEES: Reduced 485€ / Optimal 510€ / Fraternal 535€
ANNUAL ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: 60€ (Each course per child)
RESERVATION FEE: 200€ (1 time only per child)
ENROLLMENT FEE: 550€ (1 time only per family)
11 MONTHLY FEES: Reducida 495€ / Optima 520€ / Fraternal 545€
QUARTERLY ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: 60€ (Each course per child)
Project history (2004 playgroup beginnig)
Playgroup's children
Tutor teachers
Assistant teachers
Eurhythmy specialist
"Bona Tarda" care
Primary students (since 2016)
Physical Education Specialist
Eurhythmy specialist
Foreign languages specialist
"Bona tarda" care
Krisol es una escuela Waldorf situada en un paraje idílico con montañas y vistas al mar en Premià de Dalt. En Krisol se respeta el crecimiento personal del alumno y sus ritmos de aprendizaje. También existe un equilibrio perfecto entre respetar la esencia personal de cada alumno y al mismo tiempo inculcar valores de aceptación y respeto por todo lo que le rodea. En Krisol se enseña al alumno a pensar, valerse por sí mismo, expresarse y también se fomenta la creatividad para forjar los pilares fundamentales en su desarrollo como seres humanos. Los padres y madres también emprenden un camino de aprendizaje pedagógico y pasan a formar parte de un proyecto escolar donde el compromiso y la dedicación por la escuela forman parte del día a día. Por último, destacar la labor de las profesoras y voluntarias de Krisol que ofrecen a los alumnos un trato exquisito siempre acompañado de buenos gestos y un trato amoroso. Lo recomiendo totalmente, sin duda alguna.
Hace 6 años que acudimos a Krisol. Desde la pedagogía Waldorf, el grupo de juego y la recién homologada primaria ofrecen un acompañamiento integral en el crecimiento del niño, del grupo, de la familia y la comunidad. Verdaderamente Krisol es un lugar donde un claustro vocacional y preparadísimo a partir de una pedagogía que tiene en cuenta las etapas evolutivas del ser humano orienta a las familias en la mejor forma de ser educadores de nuestros hijos y, como adultos, nos compromete en nuestro propio proceso personal. A día de hoy, contamos con una comunidad internacional, con un espacio de juego de dos líneas consolidado y de una primaria que crece amparada por la hermosa semilla que florece en los jardines internos y externos, personales y comunitarios de Krisol. Un lugar, sin duda, total y absolutamente recomendable para vuestra familia.
Actualmente, Krisol ofrece un grupo de juego con dos líneas y una primaria acabada de homologar. Es un espacio donde se sigue la pedagogía Waldorf y en el que se brinda un acompañamiento total y real de criaturas y familias. Donde el amor y la vocación brotan y fluyen por cada rincón. El respeto por las criaturas, sus ritmos y por su propia evolución son pilares fundamentales. Cabe destacar, su claustro comprometido y entregado, y la gran comunidad que sostiene el proyecto. Además, ¡se encuentra en un entorno maravilloso! No podemos sentirnos más felices por la elección que tomamos con Krisol que nos ayuda a crecer individualmente y como familia. Lo recomiendo totalmente, sin duda alguna.